
Chupeng Ma
2023/03/23 Resource: Edit:


Chupeng Ma, Ph.D.

Title:Research Scientist


【Research Interest】

Finite element analysis, Computational multiscale methods, Domain decomposition methods.

Education Background

2007.09-2012.07,University of Science and Technology of China,B.S. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
2012.05-2017.07,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics

Work Experience

2018.01-2019.01,Department of Applied Mathematics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Postdoctoral researcher
Institute for Applied Mathematics, Heidelberg University, Postdoctoral researcher

2022-Present     Great Bay University, Research Scientist

【Honors & Awards】

The 2018 Chinese Academy of Sciences Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award

【Journal Papers】
1. Chupeng Ma, C. Alber, and R. Scheichl, Wavenumber explicit convergence of a multiscale generalized fifinite element method for heterogeneous Helmholtz problems, to appear in SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2023.
2. N. Bootland, V. Dolean, I. G. Graham, Chupeng Ma, and R. Scheichl, Overlapping Schwarz methods with GenEO coarse spaces for indefifinite and non-self-adjoint problems, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 2022.
3. Chupeng Ma and R. Scheichl, Error estimates for discrete generalized FEMs with locally optimal spectral approximations, Mathematics of Computation, 91(338): 2539–2569, 2022.
14. Chupeng Ma, R. Scheichl and T. Dodwell, Novel design and analysis of generalized fifinite element methods based on locally optimal spectral approximations, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 60(1): 244–273, 2022.
5. Chupeng Ma, Yongwei Zhang and Liqun Cao, Analysis of a Galerkin fifinite element method for the Maxwell–Schr¨odinger system under temporal gauge, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 42(4): 3609–3631, 2022.
6. Yongwei Zhang, Chupeng Ma, Liqun Cao and Dongyang Shi, Effiffifficient multiscale algorithms for simulating nonlocal optical response of metallic nanostructure arrays, SIAM Journal on Scientifific Computing, 43(4): B907–B936, 2021.
7. Yongwei Zhang, Chupeng Ma and Liqun Cao, Multiscale approach and analysis for transient simulation of light interaction with nonlocal metallic nanostructure arrays, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (SIAM), 19(2): 921–950, 2021.
8. Chupeng Ma, Liqun Cao and Yanping Lin, Energy conserving Galerkin fifinite element methods for the Maxwell–Klein–Gordon system, SIAM Journal on Numerical analysis, 58(2): 1339–1366, 2020.
9. Chupeng Ma, Jizu Huang, Liqun Cao and Yanping Lin, Multiscale computations for the Maxwell–Schr¨odinger system in heterogeneous nanostructures, Communications in Computational Physics, 27(5):1443–1469, 2020.
10. Chupeng Ma, Liqun Cao and Yanping Lin, Multiscale algorithms and computations for the time-dependent Maxwell–Schr¨odinger system in heterogeneous nanostructures, SIAM Journal on Scientifific Computing, 41(2):A1091–A1120, 2019.
11. Chupeng Ma, Liqun Cao and Jizu Huang, Analysis of a fully discrete fifinite element method
for the Maxwell–Schr¨odinger system in the Coulomb gauge, International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, 16(1):139–166, 2019.
12. Chupeng Ma and Liqun Cao, A Crank–Nicolson fifinite element method and the optimal error estimates for the modifified time-dependent Maxwell–Schr¨odinger equations, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 56(1):369–396, 2018.
13. Chupeng Ma, Liqun Cao and Yanping Lin, Error estimates of Crank–Nicolson Galerkin method for the time-dependent Maxwell–Schr¨odinger equations under the Lorentz gauge, IMA

Journal of Numerical Analysis, 38:2074–2104, 2018.

14. J. B′en′ezech, L. Linus, P. Bastian, R. Butler, T. Dodwell, Chupeng Ma, and R. Scheichl, Scalable multiscale-spectral GFEM with an application to composite aero-structures, submitted to Journal of Computational Physics, 2023.
15. Chupeng Ma and Markus Jens Melenk, Exponential convergence of a generalized FEM for heterogeneous reaction-diffffusion equations, submitted to Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (SIAM), 2022.

【Conference Proceedings】
16. N. Bootland, V. Dolean, I. Graham, Chupeng Ma, and R. Scheichl, GenEO coarse spaces for heterogeneous indefifinite elliptic problems, in Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Preprint, arxiv:2103.16703, 2020.

Assistant Investigators
Chen Jifeng
Cai You
Keqin Wu
Qingsheng Zhang
Research Achievements
Pak Hang Chris Lau
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